Friday, May 30, 2008
CT1 Sealant and COnstruction Adhesive Video
Does the job first time, every time!
Can be applied on wet surfaces, even underwater.
Used in production industries such as Marine, Aviation and Motor.
Will successfully bond:
Metals (including lead)
Fibre glass tiles
Most synthetic materials
Plastics (excluding polyproplene)
Unique adhesion on virtually any material in most applications without the need for additional fixings.
Is the ultimate solution for sealing
FOOD SAFE - Conforms to ISEGA Standards
Available in the following colours: White, Grey, Clear (Completely Translucent), Black , Beige, Oak and Brown
Sunday, May 25, 2008
hydrophobic concrete
Our technologies deliver integral waterproofing that can eliminate the need for external membranes, coatings and sheeting treatments. With our solutions, concrete is batched with Hycrete liquid admixtures to achieve hydrophobic performance (less than 1% absorption under BSI-1881 122). Hycrete Admixtures transform concrete from an open network of capillaries and cracks into an ultra-low absorptivity, waterproof, protective building material. Our Hycrete Elite Waterproofing System consists of Hycrete hydrophobic concrete delivered through local concrete suppliers, construction support, and a comprehensive performance warranty. The key feature of this construction approach is the elimination of the entire external waterproofing process. The benefits are extensive:
Simplified design
Reduced material demands
Increased site mobility
Safer conditions
Project acceleration
Hycrete concrete provides a high value, sustainable approach to waterproofing and corrosion protection through an evolution in performance concrete construction. (From: hycrete)
Jim Morgan of Applied Materials
With one of the longest tenures of any FORTUNE 500 CEO, James C. Morgan, has more than three decades of experience in forging ahead in technology and global growth. Morgan has left a legacy of contributions to the Information Age, making his mark with his continuing vision and leadership.
He has been the chairman of the board of Applied Materials since 1987 and served as chief executive officer for 26 years from 1977-2003. Among his many honors, he is a recipient of the National Medal of Technology for his industry leadership and for his vision in building Applied Materials into the world's leading semiconductor equipment company. He is also a recent recipient of the Spirit of Silicon Valley Lifetime Achievement Award from the Silicon Valley Leadership Group, for his ethics, community engagement and business success, and the Semiconductor Industry Association Robert N. Noyce Award, for his outstanding achievement and leadership in support of the U.S. semiconductor industry.
Instrumental in the creation of the Tech Museum Awards which launched in 2000, Morgan inspired the program's James C. Morgan Global Humanitarian Award, which honors individuals whose broad vision and leadership help address humanity's greatest challenges. Past recipients have included Bill Gates and Gordon Moore. He is an advisory board member for the Center for Science, Technology, and Society at Santa Clara University, and is active with The Nature Conservancy, a global nonprofit organization which establishes nature sanctuaries, serving as a member of the board of directors, a member of its Asia-Pacific Council, and as a trustee of The Nature Conservancy of California.
Green/Alternative Building Materials
Friday, May 16, 2008
Waukesha White Stone - Create a Tranquil Backyard Pond With This Uniquely Versatile Stone
Many homeowners are starting to add the ornamental pond to their property in order to enhance the overall look and feel associated with the home. While there are many different types of decorative small ponds that can be created, the Waukesha white stone wallstone pond is becoming one of the most sought after designs when it comes to ornamental ponds. Here, I will provide some basic insight on how you can go about creating a Waukesha white stone wallstone pond.
The Basics
When creating a wallstone pond with Waukesha white stone, it is important to know and understand that you will need a few basic supplies. First, of course, you will need an amount of Waukesha white stone that is relevant to the size of the pond that you are creating. For a basic ten by ten pond, you may need anywhere from 500 to 1,000 pieces of white stone. It all depends on the depth of the pond, and the size of Waukesha stone that you elect to use. You will also need some cement mix, as well as the tools that are required to lay and layer the cement that you will use.
Simple Construction
Once you have gathered your Waukesha white stone and the cement that is necessary to create your pond, it is time to get ready to construct your decorative pond. The simplest construction involves the ornamental pond that is circular in shape. You will want to outline the area where you will place the pond and lay down a section of cement. Once the circle has been filled, you should lay your first line of Waukesha white stone all the way around the circle. It is important that each piece of stone is stuck down into the cement so when it dries, it will be sturdy. This is when you should connect a small drainage pipe on the structure. This will allow water to drain when you feel the need to clean the structure.
Once the initial cement and line of Waukesha white stone completely dries and is set, you can place a layer of cement on top of these stones and then add the second layer. It is important that you continue this trend, until all of the stones are placed in such a manner that your depth is achieved. Once this is done, you should then allow the cement to dry. Once the cement on the Waukesha white stones are dry, you should then place cement inside the dimension of the pond. It is important to ensure that this is set as smooth and evenly as possible. Once this is dry, you can then add a basic pond liner and a cap to the end of the drainage pipe that you installed earlier. You are then ready to fill and decorate your pond with plants, and other items! Once this is done, you have successfully finished your Waukesha white stone decorative wallstone pond!
Looking for a Waukesha White stone supplier? View the many different styles of Waukesha White that Halquist Stone has to offer. For more information, call (262) 246-9000 or visit to request a free brochure. Article Source: |
Bay De Noc Stone - Add a Touch of Originality To Your Next Stone Project
Many individuals decide that they are bored with all of the standard construction products on the market today. Plywood, blocks, and similar materials just do not cut it anymore. Many of these people decide that stone is a nice alternative to these construction supplies. While there are many different types of stones available for use, there is one that seems to be quickly growing in popularity. This is Bay De Noc Stone. Here, we will review the many uses for this particular type of stone, some benefits associated with using this type of stone, as well as where you can find Bay De Noc Stone.
Bay De Noc Stone Uses
There are many different uses for Bay De Noc Stone. Just about any project - for the home, in the home, or outside the home - can benefit from the use of this type of rock. Many individuals have taken this type of stone and created small privacy fences that surround their home, or a specific area of their home - like a pool. Then, there are those who have taken this type of stone and applied it to the exterior of the home. For a creative approach to home design, many will place Bay De Noc Stone halfway up the home on the exterior. There are many who may elect to do this to the interior of the home as well. Regardless of the way that you choose to use Bay De Noc stone, it is sure to turn out to be wonderful!
Benefits of Using Bay De Noc Stone
There are many benefits to using stone for the home - especially Bay De Noc stone! One of the major benefits is the reduction in the possibility of acquiring termites. While there is a termite species out there that does chew through stone by way of an acid that it emits, it is not very common. In addition to this benefit, it is beneficial to use stone because it is generally sturdier than any other type of material that is used in home construction and other types of similar products.
Where to Find Bay De Noc Stone
When searching for Bay De Noc Stone, you may become relatively discouraged because of the fact that it is hard to find this product. However, the good news is that there are special retailers on the market that do carry this type of ornamental rock. A good example of this type of retailer includes that of Halquist Stone. Not only can you find Bay De Noc stone here, but you can purchase many other types of stones as well.
Looking for a supplier of Bay de Noc stone? Visit to view the different styles of Bay de Noc stone that Halquist Stone has to offer. For more information, call (262) 246-9000 or visit for a free brochure. Article Source: |
Fond Du Lac Stone - Add Natural Artwork and Splendor To Your Next Housing or Landscaping Project
Known for its natural beauty and custom depth and dimension, Fond Du Lac stone is a very popular type among those who have come face to face with it. This is considered one of the most exquisite pieces of stone when it comes to natural artwork and splendor. If you are shopping around for the perfect type of stone for your projects, Fond Du Lac stone is sure to be one of the best that you find. Here, I will introduce you to the various uses for this stone, as well as some basic benefits of implementing the use of this natural resource. In addition to this, I will direct you to a retailer that has the absolute best selection when it comes to Fond Du Lac stone.
Individuals throughout history have discovered many unique uses for Fond Du Lac stone. Many have lined the floors of their homes with this exquisite rock. There are many who create unique steps and patios by piecing together this type of stone. Swimming pools are often decorated by placing this lavish stone around them. Many use Fond Du Lac stone on garden terraces in and around the home. Small homemade ponds are often created with this particular type of rock. There are many different uses for Fond Du Lac stone! All it takes is a bit of creativity and a knack for creating unique items for the home, and areas around the home and you can put this type of rock to work for you as well!
There are many different benefits associated with this type of stone. While this is often considered to be a relatively costly type of rock, the benefits far outweigh the costs. If you decide to integrate Fond Du Lac stone into your next project, you can enjoy the following advantages:
• This type of rock is very sturdy and can be used in a wide range of projects.
• Each stone is unique in itself, so you can rest assured that your design is unique and like none other!
• This stone can stand the test of time, as well as any weather conditions that it is exposed to.
• This product is sold in many different colors and shapes to ensure that you get exactly what you are looking for in design and appeal!
Fond Du Lac Stone can be found at a number of places throughout the United States. However, it is important that you ensure you are purchasing a natural and not pre-fabricated product. Products that are created to impersonate all natural Fond Du Lac stone generally lack the quality that natural stones offer.
Places like Halquist Stone generally offer high quality, durable stone for great rate. Looking for a supplier of Fond Du Lac stone in Wisconsin? View the many different styles of Fond Du Lac stone Halquist Stone has to offer. For more information, call (262) 246-9000 or visit to request a free brochure. Article Source: |
Perfect Brick Ideas
There are a lot of people who feel the need to remove or replace the bricks on their home. You will find that there are some bricks that are severely damaged. The renovation to rebrick can be devastating to your budget, but you will also want to think about who is going to perform the labor. You will find that there are some parts of the home that will be easy access, like the doorframes or window frames. You will also want to consider a few other things before you call a contractor.
For those who are living in a brick home you will find that there is much to add to the renovation cost. When it comes to the age of the brick, you may have to replace all the wood. This will significantly increase your budget for the rebricking.
You will also find that if your home as any arches like about the doors and windows, you will need to go the extra mile in order to maintain the original integrity of the arch and of the design. You will need to add on at least an extra twenty dollars for each arch. Then you have to consider the masonry labor. Basically, you will need to budget about $400 for each thousand bricks when it comes to the labor.
You will need to note that there are a lot of contractors that have their own masonry people; however, you may need to accept the contractors to sub out the job. You will need to think about all the labor that is involved in this process so that you can keep yourself in the budget. You will also want to consider the fact that there are many people who can do the job.
When it comes to the tearing off the old trim work, you may want to consider doing it yourself so that you can keep the costs down a little bit, however, you will want to consider the fact that you won't have to pay them to prepare the job site. Keep in mind that you will also need to add the digging of the foundation to the list of things needed to be done. Basically, you will need to rebuild the entire wood frame of the house and the main walls of the house. You will want to make sure that you hire those who are within a close bid to the other contractors, because you don't want to have the cheap materials for such a job. You need to make sure that your home is physically sound.
Ken Morris repeatedly creates summaries on problems associated to cnc router tables. His writings on build your own router table can be found on his webpage and various other web pages. Article Source: |
Advantages Of Wooden Materials Over Other Materials For A Garage
Regarding to function of a garage is being used, It is significant to garage owners to know the different material types of garages and its cause so that they may be able to choose the good alternative according to the purposes for which the garages were built. By average United States house prices approximately between US$50,000 to US$200,000, people are looking for the advantages to add their house's values. A single garage can increase around 10% to a house's value and a double garage can increase around 20% in the value.
Most of the reason why home owner prefer wooden garage material is for its aesthetic and nice glance. Wooden garages are one of the most popular types that you see on a lot of houses. However, the garages can also be made by other materials such as concrete. Wooden garage material is cheaper than other garage door materials. For the wooden garage, you can select solid cedar wood which looks wonderful for long term. The wooden garages have a great increasing to home's values and the return on the low investment required is amazingly great, especially when you aware that the average price of a single concrete garage is approaching US$5,000 and a double garage approximately US$9,000. These public prices are include the delivery, the installation and guarantees in 2-5 years. The wooden materials can be crack by weathers. So the wooden garage requires the owner to regularly repaint, recondition and maintain the wood every few years.
Wooden garage materials have some advantages and disadvantages when compared to the other materials.
1. First advantage: Deals with the denting. Metal materials can easily dent. If you have children or pets playing around the garage, they can accidentally dent the metal materials. The wooden materials can't be dented, those materials withstands scratches and scrapes better than other materials.
2. Second advantage: The look of wooden garage. The wooden material is seems better than other material for the look of a home garage. The wooden material can be seamlessly blend in the surroundings unlike other materials such as concrete material.
3. Third advantage: The other materials are usually produced to standard measurement. If you don't have the standard measurement, this will be a problem with your garage. Wooden garage materials can be adjustable with any size or shape. If the garage floor isn't on the standard measurement, the wooden materials can solve this problem.
A wooden garage takes far longer to build and costs less money to build. A wooden garage gives you the best of multi functions and purposes.
For more information, please visit to Wooden garages, Timber garages and wood garage doors.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Defective Concrete is Being Used on Las Vegas Airport Runway
"Not a curb, not a sidewalk, not a slab on grade, this is a runway tarmac. This is heavy equipment on it and people," explained John Zedler.
They are not building a runway, but it has to be as safe and as strong for planes to taxi and park.
"This is very serious. This is an airport. You got people all over the world coming to Las Vegas," said John.
John Zedler knows concrete.
"From my notes, maybe 10% of it was right and 90% of it was wrong," explained John.
He is a licensed, certified concrete inspector who worked for Western Technologies on two airport construction sites.
Concrete has to meet specifications including numeric field tests to ensure it is strong enough, hard enough and structurally sound.
"The reason why we have those specifications is because you could get structural fractures, movement and a lot of other things," said John.
Each cement truck contains about 10 yards of concrete and according to John's field journal, load after load was failing the tests.
Even so, he says contractors knowingly poured about 8 football fields worth of unsafe concrete at McCarran International Airport.
"I would call out the actual number. The gentleman writing down the field notes on the paperwork would actually change it to make it pass," said John.
If they have to pull concrete out and do it again, it costs a ton of time and time, as they say, is money.
Contact 13 obtained John's field notes and the reports Western Technologies gave to the Department of Aviation.
Time after time, the paperwork does not match up.
In some cases, the failing number is scratched out and a passing one is written over it.
"It is not right. I told my supervisor. I told my company. I have even spoke with the other contractors and sub-contractors out there," said John.
But he says they just blew it off and started taking work away from him.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Guidelines to Nails and their Uses by KiyaSama
Nails come in different shapes for different jobs:
a) Common or box nail (big, flat head, box nail is thinner than common nail) вЂ" It’s used for rough work, nailing 2 by 4s. There are three basic sizes of the common nail: 10 (3-inch) for toe-nailing, 16 (31/2 inch) for face-to-edge nailing, 20 (4-inch) for nailing through one board into the end of another.
b) Finishing nail (small head with a depression in it) вЂ" It is used for finer work. Its head can be concealed below the wood’s surface.
c) Casing nail (small tapered head with no depression) вЂ" It’s used for nailing exterior trim. It can be left flush or set below the surface of the wood.
Nailing Tips:
1. If the wood is hard, drill a hole smaller than the nail in the place where the nail will go.
2. At the end of the board, blunt the nail with a hammer so it will punch through wood rather than wedge it apart.
3. Put oil or soap or candle wax or beeswax on nails to make for easier nailing into the wood.
4. Hold the nail between your thumb and forefinger for nailing. Nails too small? Use a paper clip, tweezers, bobby pin, comb (hold between the teeth), fork.
5. To nail two boards together, nail first through the thin one, then the thick one. Slanting the nails gives more security.
6. To prevent wood from splitting, try staggering the nails rather than placing them in a straight line.
7. Tap until the nail is planted. Hit the head of the nail with heavier and heavier blows as it becomes more securely implanted in the wood.
8. To remove a nail: cushion the wood by putting scrap wood under the hammer head and lever out the nail with the claw.
9. For most nails, use a 14-16 ounce hammer. For brads (small thin nails), use a tack hammer.
About the Author
KiyaSama is an author on http://www.Writing.Com/ which is a site for Writers.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Chilton Stone: A Durable, Quality Stone That Withstands The Test of Time
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How To Choose The Right Marble Or Granite For Your Home
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